All in Moment

Kaveh Maghsoudi

Through all the hardships to get this picture-perfect photo, photographer Kaveh Maghsoudi created a composition and a space that evoked one word for him: Hiroshima.

Elena Loffreno

“One thing I’ve recently come to terms with, that I think many people struggle with when entering adulthood, is that my parents are people just like me.”

Lucia Lamata

“That city screams art and chaos, and we got carried away by that. Our conversations dealt with freedom and breakdowns. She teaches me many things.”

Jac Clayton

“The primary reason I find film photography so captivating is because of the constraint that comes the number of photographs on each roll.”

Moment: Hannah Covey

Two years ago, I was walking through the alleyway behind my house when I noticed my neighbour’s laundry line had clothing hanging to dry. They have the third floor, so their line is quite high, and in in the slight breeze it was swaying lazily in the wind. This wave felt like a familiar invitation.

Moment: Verena Haitzinger

“I was actually quite lucky, to catch this exact moment, the way that I did. I think moments like these are really interesting, because it can be so fun to just take pictures, but afterwards, you often discover a photo that can mean so much more than it did at that moment.”

Moment: Fred Zafran

He paced quietly in the  doorway, something clearly on his mind. From across the street, I watched him sit, away from  the raucous crowd inside, and as he entered his silence, I made this image.