Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Rich-Jospeh Facun

Rich-Jospeh Facun

©Rich-Joseph Facun

Text: Rich-Joseph Facun

At one point in my life, I cleaned houses for a living. Although I was not a photographer at the time, I felt that the interiors of one’s home offered so much information about the individual(s) living in the space. After tidying each household, I remember feeling I had a clear portrait of those who lived in the property. My memories created vignettes of details that conveyed intimate insight into what folks valued and held close to their hearts. Today, these sentiments are echoed in some of the images I have been making for my ongoing series 1804.


This specific photograph was made at the former house of a hoarder. Throughout the interior, hardwood floors rested - covered in paperwork, cardboard boxes, cans, and items that most would consider rubbish. Walking about was unstable, hazardous even. Every room was dysfunctional, a psychological ocean of waist to chest high waves amid a patchwork of chaos organized in no specific order.


I found myself pausing, wondering who lived here previously. What was their story? Where did they go? Were they okay? Why did they leave all their treasured belongings? And like years past, I collected a portrait. 

Lauren Halsey | The MET Roof Garden

Lauren Halsey | The MET Roof Garden

The Old Days

The Old Days