#WHM Grete Stern

Though Stern had always championed the cause of women, her proto-feminist self was unleashed with Sueños. She infused sympathy, dark humor and playful irony in her photomontages as she visualized the subconscious narratives of these women.

#WHM Karine Laval

I started to take pictures with the phone while dancing and interacting with people surrounding me, in a very intuitive and random way, almost as if using the camera like a paintbrush into space. I became intrigued by the way the extremely low resolution of the images created texture and gave the bodies a sculptural quality while at the same time blurring the contour of the human figure and reinforcing its dissipation.

Woman Crush Wednesday: Heide Hatry

To really understand that we have a few years on this planet and that then everything will be totally over is just too painful for most of us, and since death is unavoidable, it seems to be easier, and maybe more practical, to avoid thinking about at it.

#WHM Yoon Ji Seon

I just accidentally saw a sewing machine, and you know, there’s a needle in the sewing machine. So I thought it would be easier to make holes in the photo using a sewing machine.

#WHM Olivia Bee

I think part of it is really amazing that there is so much content that is being created, so much weird shit because everybody is making stuff all the time. The thing is, if I was a photographer 20 years ago, when it wasn’t this normal for people to photograph everything, I wouldn’t be able to do what I am doing.

#WHM Gerda Taro + Lee Miller

Early on, they changed their names as a business decision and partnered with lovers who helped them learn the camera. Afterward, they struck out on their own, but both produced pictures whose authorship was misattributed to those teachers.

#WHM Tina Barney

I really was interested in seeing in black and white, and what that does compared to color, by itself, as a medium unto itself. And it really, really interests me and it always will.

#WHM Zanele Muholi

I share photography. I can’t say I teach photography. I share photography because I believe that every person should have a decent photo, and also that every person should be seen the way he or she wants to be seen.

#WHM Candida Höfer

Experience has taught me which positions I like to take. I go into the space, I take a photograph, and then I go into the lab and look at the print. I work on the image until I feel it is right; then the ‘portrait’ is ready.

#WHM Erica Baum

I’m always trying to suggest that there is a voice that runs through things. For example, with the Naked Eye, the same book can generate different stories. There are these voices, and I’m looking for them. I like being surprised.

#WHM Rineke Dijkstra

I like surprises, and in The Gymschool especially, they could do things with their bodies that I could never have imagined. You have to know in advance more or less where you're headed; but at the same time, you have to give ideas a chance to grow and leave room for whatever happens in the moment.