#WHM Candida Höfer

Experience has taught me which positions I like to take. I go into the space, I take a photograph, and then I go into the lab and look at the print. I work on the image until I feel it is right; then the ‘portrait’ is ready.

#WHM Erica Baum

I’m always trying to suggest that there is a voice that runs through things. For example, with the Naked Eye, the same book can generate different stories. There are these voices, and I’m looking for them. I like being surprised.

#WHM Rineke Dijkstra

I like surprises, and in The Gymschool especially, they could do things with their bodies that I could never have imagined. You have to know in advance more or less where you're headed; but at the same time, you have to give ideas a chance to grow and leave room for whatever happens in the moment.

The Cheeky Shag: Sofia

If you’ve ever had one of those nights where you wake up with a tattooed stomach, pierced lip, and a walk that feels like you just rode a stallion for miles, well you probably did, and you know how I feel right now.

#WHM Petra Collins

It’s hard growing up in a world where you don’t feel represented, and you don’t see your image anywhere. That’s what I try to do: create images for people who don’t see themselves in the world.

Penny Slinger: Dirty Girl

I was always more attracted to the European Surrealists than the English.In retrospect (because I was not that familiar with her work at the time) I feel more akin to Frida Kahlo than any other female artist.

Nick Waplington: Child's Play

One day while out in the South Hebron Hills visiting a tribe of Bedouin who live in caves, I came across the landfill site in this work. I returned a number of times to view the location and eventually decided to make work there.