Woman Crush Wednesday: Ellen Carey

"I began with black & white photograms, but when I turned to color, with the photogram, I realized light, photography’s indexical, was radically different, the palette electrified the composition, whether it was expressed in muted tones or bolder hues. Color is an artist’s universe and photographic color theory (RGBYMC) photography’s planet."


It was never my goal to be a photographer. I came into fashion and photography as an outsider. I came from being in the music industry for many years. It wasn’t something I pursued di- rectly, I picked it up late and took it where it led me, which was fashion.

#WHM Collier Schorr

Maybe as I get older, I am driven by some combination of things. If the model brings an identity, I'm interested. And if they are open to playing a role, I'm equally open. I’m not a huge director. I enjoy watching.