Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Ethan Liao

Ethan Liao

© Ethan Liao Instagram, Skate Jam 2023, Los Angeles, CA


Spending many years cruising pavement, flying through the air, and repeatedly going to the emergency room, I admittingly never thought much about why I was drawn to skateboarding and was able to derive so much joy out of it. However, in recent years as I have begun experiencing skateboarding as a photographer, I have realized it is not necessarily just an extreme sport that gives many an outlet for freedom. It is more so a physical expression of a mindset. A mindset mainly composed of doing whatever you want with no regard for boundaries. Whether boundaries mean lawful authority, what your body allows you to do without breaking it, or the responsibilities of life that constrict your every move, skateboarding gives me and everyone else a way to tear down the things bounding us down in life.

What started off as a professionally led skateboarding competition, quickly descended into complete chaos as skaters and fans alike began rioting and lighting everything in sight on fire, most notably a police car that was being used as a skate obstacle. Although depicting no skateboarding at all, I feel this moment captures the essence of what skateboarding really is: tearing down boundaries.

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