Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: S.O.T.L.

Flash Fiction: S.O.T.L.

©Bowei Yang

Image by Bowei Yang

Written by Emma Elizabeth Mathes

If you have a weak stomach, I don’t suggest sewing a dress of meat. The labor is no more arduous than working with heavier fabric, if you have the skill; but the feel, and the smell of raw myoglobin on the hands is not for everyone.

Father had called me a priss all my childhood, and tortured my mother when she did things like teach me to sew. If only he could see how unprissy I was now, handling meat like a ‘man’ ought to do.

Ultimately, he was right. I am a fairy, a bōlí; a misunderstood, slightly morbid outcast with a moth collection to match—the Chinese Buffalo Bill.

To view more of Bowei Yang’s work, visit his website.

Triggered: Mumin Gul

Triggered: Mumin Gul

From Our Archives: Ryan McGinley

From Our Archives: Ryan McGinley