Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

From Our Archives: Neil DaCosta

From Our Archives: Neil DaCosta

Neil DaCosta, The Missionary Position, from The Book of Mormon Missionary Positions by Neil DaCosta, Sara Phillips and Shelby Menzel.

Neil DaCosta, The Missionary Position, from The Book of Mormon Missionary Positions by Neil DaCosta, Sara Phillips and Shelby Menzel.

This interview first appeared in Musée Magazine Issue 12: Controversy

Andrea Blanch: Are you a Mormon?

Neil DaCosta: No. Sara and I are married and we’ve both lived in Salt Lake City. We have a lot of

friends who are Mormon, who aren’t Mormon, and who were Mormon but aren’t Mormon now. We were

around the LDS church a lot, just from being in Salt Lake.

AB: Tell me a bit about your background and how you got into photography.

ND: I did most of my growing up across the river in New Jersey, and got a camera when I was in high

school and then learned that you can make that into a career. I went to college in upstate New York, at

Rochester Institute of Technology. There I decided that I didn’t want to go on the path of moving to to New

York or L.A. or Paris to become a famous photographer, so I got into snowboard photography which I did

for a handful of years. Once I felt like I was done with that aspect of photography, I wanted to move into

more of a commercial aspect. I ended up in Portland, Oregon shooting advertising, lifestyle, and product

photography but also doing projects like this to keep it fun for me. This project was done in Portland. We’d

always wanted to do a project about Mormons, Sara and I. [To Sara] You want to give your background?

Sara Phillips: I snowboarded, so that’s how I met Neil. We were doing that together for a number of

years. Then I went to an experimental advertising school in Portland. That was the impetus for wanting

to do more projects.

ND: That brings us to the first project we worked on as a team, “Astronaut Suicides.” She had access to

an astronaut suit for a weekend, and it was right when the funding got cut for NASA and the last space

shuttle landed. We did a series of this astronaut committing suicide in different ways. That one made its

rounds on the Internet. It was pretty popular.

SP: It was the timing. JFK had made such a powerful speech about going to the moon by any means necessary. A lot of people in that community were losing their jobs. It was interesting to take a black humor approach to it. We thought it would engage people that typically wouldn’t care about that.

ND: It worked out great. Someone who got laid off from NASA after the shuttle landed emailed thanking

us for the project and that his former colleagues really enjoyed it.

ND: After that project, we wanted to work on another.

SP: It was organic. It wasn’t like we plotted it for three years. Things just coincided, with the timing of the

elections and everything. It seemed like a fun thing to do.

AB: How did you come to this idea of putting Mormon missionaries in sexual positions?

Neil DaCosta, Pounding the Spot, from The Book of Mormon Missionary Positions.

Neil DaCosta, Pounding the Spot, from The Book of Mormon Missionary Positions.

ND: It had different meanings for the three of us involved. I thought it was a response to Proposition

8 in California that outlawed same-sex marriage. Prop 8 was, from my understanding, back-ended by

the Mormon church who called on their congregation to donate money to it. Even though they’re not

allowed to meddle in the government, they blurred the lines there. This was a visual discourse about

the separation of church and state. It wasn’t an all out attack on the church, but a rebuttal to the way

that they handled things.

SP: If you can laugh or joke about anything, you’re much more open to having a discussion about it. So it

was a way to open up a dialogue. The project was based on a quote and there was no skewing it one way

or another from our perspective.

ND: The church was in the news because Mitt Romney was running for president. We knew from the

Astronaut Suicides that timing was important. That’s when we decided to finally make it happen.

Missionaries go out as a pair usually, so that’s why we had two guys. It’s a time where you’re coming

into your sexuality. Young males and females are put together and told to suppress those feelings.

I obviously didn’t go on any missions, but I have friends who have, and they say it’s pretty wild,

what’s going on in your brain at that age. Teenagers have a hard enough time figuring things out in

that point of their lives.

Neil DaCosta, Drawing the Bow, from The Book of Mormon Missionary Positions.

Neil DaCosta, Drawing the Bow, from The Book of Mormon Missionary Positions.

AB: What debate do you think you started with this series?

ND: I hope it made it easier for people and families to talk about this subject of marriage equality by

breaking the ice and giving it some humor. It might not be something they want to talk about unless they

saw these photos and said, “Oh, that’s pretty funny.” Hopefully they go into a bigger discussion about it

instead of keeping those ideas to themselves because they don’t know how to bring it up or approach it.

Neil DaCosta, Congress of Crow, from The Book of Mormon Missionary Positions.

Neil DaCosta, Congress of Crow, from The Book of Mormon Missionary Positions.

AB: Why did you decide to keep the models clothed?

SP: It was never meant to be offensive. It was meant to be humorous. Showing them in any state of

undress would have charged it sexually and been offensive. There was a comedy in how pristine they

looked. You wonder more what they’re thinking about. It was more interesting to depict these sexual positions

with someone that kind of looks disengaged, rather than making it overtly sexual.

Neil DaCosta, Phoenix Red Cave, from The Book of Mormon Missionary Positions.

Neil DaCosta, Phoenix Red Cave, from The Book of Mormon Missionary Positions.

AB: What was the process of preparing for the shoot like?

ND: Shelby was really involved in that. He was in the church, and his brother went on a mission. He had

all the technicalities of how the suit should fit what they should look like. I was almost thinking of doing

it in an actual bedroom scene, but Sara being the art director suggested that we do it on the grey. It makes

it sterile and makes you concentrate on the idea of it and not what’s going on in the actual photo.

Neil DaCosta, Pressing Twining, from The Book of Mormon Missionary Positions.

Neil DaCosta, Pressing Twining, from The Book of Mormon Missionary Positions.

AB: The series became a viral hit after it was posted on Reddit. Were you surprised by the popularity of

the project?

SP: It got exposure on different media sites, but Reddit caused it to shut down the server. We had to reupload

the server speed at 4 a.m. Some people wrote some great reviews about it, and from there it got

big. It was done organically rather than us sending it to other people. Anytime there’s that much debate

and people have organically shared it in that way, it feels successful.

Neil DaCosta, Yawning Position, from The Book of Mormon Missionary Positions.

Neil DaCosta, Yawning Position, from The Book of Mormon Missionary Positions.

AB: What has the reception to this project been like? Have you received a lot of backlash?

ND: There was some hate mail that threatened our lives, but most of it was positive. What I took away

from it was that younger people in the church don’t have the same views as the old, indoctrinated

views of the church. Their views are changing with society’s views. Their church is even starting to

catch up with that. Not as fast as it should, but they are recounting some parts of it. They’ve had to do

it before with other things, like allowing black people into the church

Neil DaCosta, Hanging Bow, from The Book of Mormon Missionary Positions.

Neil DaCosta, Hanging Bow, from The Book of Mormon Missionary Positions.

AB: Were you anticipating any backlash?

ND: Yeah. It’s a touchy subject. Like I said, we didn’t want to just go out and attack someone’s belief

system and their religion because that’s easy to do. It’s not the way that I want to live my life. Even with

putting this out the way that we did, I figured people would take it as an attack and some did.

SP: We tried to reply to everybody except for a couple where there was obviously no point in replying, but

it was just nice to be able to communicate with people who thought it was funny.

AB: No emails from the head of the church?

ND: That was a concern to us, because who knows what goes on in those upper levels of the church that

people like us don’t know about. I definitely saw some heads from the Church of Latter Day Saints headquarters

coming to the site and thought, “Oh boy. Is this going to turn into something bigger?” It hasn’t

happened yet, knock on wood. I think it would happen to the Book of Mormon show people before it

would happen to us.

SP: I think that the church would realize it was a respectful way to do it. There was an effort to make it

tasteful rather than just be offensive.

AB: To be clear, you did this project because this whole question just got under your skin, so to speak,

and you wanted to talk about it?

SP: We all have slightly different perspectives. For me, it was a time when there was an election, and a

candidate who was part of this religion wasn’t answering questions about the issue, even with a lot of

people asking a lot of questions about it.

Neil DaCosta, Mare and Swing, from The Book of Mormon Missionary Positions.

Neil DaCosta, Mare and Swing, from The Book of Mormon Missionary Positions.

AB: From your knowledge of the Mormon church or religion, why do you think he didn’t answer questions

about it?

ND: I personally believe that the church and Romney made a conscious decision to separate themselves

because they know how they look in the eyes of non-church members.

SP: He said that he very specifically didn’t want his religion to be part of the conversation, which seemed

strange. You can’t shut that off when you’re running for an office as big as that, especially when you as a

candidate aren’t able to separate a political decision that you make from your religion. At that point there

was no separation. That, to me, was fascinating.

AB: Personally, how would you feel about having a Mormon as a President?

ND: I don’t want to go too much into my religious beliefs. I think that politics are ridiculous to begin with,

let alone adding the religious aspect to it.

SP: We want someone that’s open. If somebody has beliefs that are that strong, I would want them to be

open about it and know that they would be able to govern without that being a factor. I appreciate that

they have strong beliefs but in a position of power, they should be able to separate that.

ND: Which I don’t think would have happened if Romney won.

AB: For me, it’s cultish. I met a young woman who was in a cult until she was about 18 or 19. It took her

that long to escape.

ND: That’s what’s so sad about it. They really don’t have the choice. And when they do have the choice

to leave, or if they get out without having the choice to leave, there are still residing issues because of how

much control there was at one point in their lives.

Neil DaCosta, Sixth Position, from The Book of Mormon Missionary Positions.

Neil DaCosta, Sixth Position, from The Book of Mormon Missionary Positions.

AB: How do people receive them when they leave?

ND: Families that stay in churches don’t appreciate when their family members leave, but the church does

try to get them back. Like Shelby, every once in awhile, they try to find him and send him a letter, like, “We

forgive you. Come back.” I think his grandparents were never that excited that he left the church and his

parents don’t really follow along with the church’s beliefs anymore.

AB: Would you say that this is the most personal or controversial work you’ve done to date?

ND: I believe so strongly in the equality issue that I almost feel like Astronaut Suicides was more controversial.

We probably got more emails on that, like, “This is completely insensitive. How dare you do this?

I just lost a child to this.” I’ve lost friends to suicide through various ways and it sucks. But when it comes

down to it, I guess it is their choice. It’s not something that I’m going to repress and not talk about because

it does happen. I don’t believe as strongly about that as I do about the equality issue.

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