Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Quarantine Chronicles: Pandemic Portraits by Matthew Ludak

Quarantine Chronicles: Pandemic Portraits by Matthew Ludak

Pandemic Portraits © Matthew Ludak

Pandemic Portraits © Matthew Ludak

By Lamia Baladi

With the world on pause, photographers are experiencing a drop in their work. Matthew Ludak is bolstering his creativity by photographing his neighbours in times of social distancing in a series entitled Pandemic Portraits.  

Ludak got his start in photography in the lead up to the 2016 American Presidential Election, photographing the re-emergence of white nationalist groups as well as a variety of political rallies and events across the country.

After receiving his BA in History and English from Drew University, he has worked on projects dealing with a variety of issues including Immigrant and Refugee Youth in Oakland, California, Survivors of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence in rural Pennsylvania, and Homelessness in England, Scotland, and America.  

How has the Covid-19 lockdown impacted your work? 

The lockdown has been pretty hard for me in terms of producing the type of work that I am used to. Most of my projects consist of me driving around somewhat aimlessly looking for interesting buildings or landscapes and photographing them. I very rarely find myself photographing people. So a portrait project is definitely something a little outside my comfort zone. 

Pandemic Portraits © Matthew Ludak

Pandemic Portraits © Matthew Ludak

Can you share with our readers tips on how you’ve been staying creative in times of confinement? 

Photography for me is a very therapeutic exercise. Taking photos and editing them helps me be focused, present and stay in the moment. I would suggest to anyone lacking inspiration or finding themselves unable to muster the energy to shoot to just take it a day at a time. Some days I will photograph five of my neighbors other days I will spend hours watching the Office. What I have found that helps is always having your camera with you. I just walk around my house with my camera cause you never know when the light is going to be coming through your kitchen window just right or your cat is going to decide to sit perfectly in the window looking outside longingly.

Can you share your idea behind the Pandemic Portraits series: how did you come up with it and what is your relationship to your subjects? 

The Pandemic Portrait series started because I was really bored, there is no way around it. I was just sitting in my room trying to think of possible local projects to work on and it kind of occurred to me that all my neighbors were also sheltered in their homes probably bored out of their minds as well. I posted on our towns Facebook page explain my project idea and asking if anyone would be open to having their photos taken. After the first day I had over 30 responses, all locals volunteering to have their pictures taken. Some of the people in the portraits I have known for years, some are complete strangers there is a real mix. We set up times to meet through Facebook messenger and I would walk over either in the morning or evening to photograph them.

Pandemic Portraits © Matthew Ludak

Pandemic Portraits © Matthew Ludak

The photograph of the guy playing golf really struck me. Could you provide some context? Did you happen to come by him playing golf?

This particular photo was somewhat spur of the moment. I was on my way to photograph a neighbor for the Portrait Project and happened by this man who was out practicing his swing. I asked him if he minded that I take his picture for the project I was doing and he willingly agreed. 

What is the impact of this project? 

I hope that this project will help anyone who is feeling isolated and alone. I hope that when people see this work they will gain a sense of community and resilience through the acknowledgment of our shared experience in dealing with this virus.

Pandemic Portraits © Matthew Ludak

Pandemic Portraits © Matthew Ludak

You can check out more of his work on his website or on his instagram (@ludakiewicz)

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