Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

SONY at the Museum of Natural History.

  Each year American Photo Magazine rents out a huge space and throws a party for the Sony company. This year the party was in the Museum of Natural History on the 24th of October.


Prints of varying merit were shown on the walls; their unifying feature being that they were all taken with Sony cameras.


The participants were lively, and the event had the feeling of a wedding, people who don't normally eat piles of cheese did so, and people who don't usually drink did so. The result was that by the middle of the evening those who did not usually dance did so – it was fun.

Text by John Hutt

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Photos by Tanya Kiseleva

Mitch Epstein’s New York Arbor

Aperture 1/1 Benefit and Auction.