Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Book Review: Towers of Thanks

Book Review: Towers of Thanks

Towers of Thanks (2017) ©Res

Towers of Thanks (2017) ©Res

By Emma Cordover.

In their latest project, photographer Res gives viewers an intimate look into the making and aftermath of their mother’s relationship with Donald Trump and Trump Tower. Barbara Res, photographer Res’ mother, was the manager of construction on Trump Tower and executive Vice President of the Trump Organization for almost 20 years. However, during the 2016 election, Barbara established a publicly oppositional stance against Trump’s candidacy. 

Res published a book of these photographs titled Towers of Thanks, published by Loose Joints in 2017. The series of images that compose the book detail Res’ photographic interpretations of Trump Tower, their mother, and the intricacies and consequences of Barbara and Trump’s professional relationship. As we enter another pivotal election season, this book becomes ever more significant. 

Spread from Loose Joints 2017.

The images depict how the course of Barbara and Trump’s relationship changed when she opposed his candidacy. Res’ family life was thoroughly impacted by their mother’s career and political decisions, and in raw, brutally honest reflections, Res sheds light on how the political became the personal for them. Res reveals that Barbara was a trailblazer as a woman holding a top construction job, but Trump’s decision to appoint her was no act of feminism. Res exposes the hypocrisy and irony of their mother’s position as a feminist pioneer in an oppressive patriarchal system. They use various photographic mediums to illustrate this irony from archival materials, snapshots, and collages to Trump’s notorious tweets. 

#womensmarchwashington (2017) ©Res

#womensmarchwashington (2017) ©Res

The series consists of 18 jarring images. Some photographs depict the inside of Trump Tower while others display personal images of behind-the-scenes interviews, at-home photos, and portraits of Barbara. 

The most memorable photograph for me was the one after which the book is named. The image titled “Towers of Thanks” depicts the Cartier bracelet given to Barbara by Trump as a thank you for her work on Trump Tower. On one side of the bracelet, the words “Towers of Thanks” are engraved in cursive and on the other, the words “Love, Donald.” The background of the image includes photos of Trump Tower’s interior and exterior. This image epitomizes the most significant aspects of Barbara and Trump’s relationship. Her intelligence and skill in the workplace were recompensed by expensive, highest class jewelry. This tangible expression of gratitude along with Trump’s praise of Barbara in an interview starkly contrasts Trump’s degrading tweet about her years later. 

“I Am The Woman Who Built Trump Tower” ©Res

“I Am The Woman Who Built Trump Tower” ©Res

In the book, that tweet is placed alongside a photo of Barbara proudly holding a sign reading “I am the woman who built Trump Tower.” The demeaning words of Trump paired with Barbara’s pride in her impressive career leave the viewer with a sense of discomfort and shock. This response from the viewer is appropriate, as oppressive patriarchal systems and grossly disrespectful statements on social media are uncomfortable and shocking. 

This poignant collection of images is important to consider not only because Res’ life is intertwined with the politics of today, but also because they are a queer artist. The LGBTQ+ community is one of the least supported communities under the current administration, and Res’ experience as a queer person coupled with their family’s history makes them a uniquely relevant voice to hear.  

At My Desk (2017) ©Res

At My Desk (2017) ©Res

Mourning (2017)

Mourning (2017)

To view more of Res’s work, click here.

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