Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Triggered!: Eva Maria Ocherbauer

Triggered!: Eva Maria Ocherbauer

Brumbi Wundschock, 1988 © Eva Maria Ocherbauer

Brumbi Wundschock, 1988 © Eva Maria Ocherbauer

By Eva Maria Ocherbauer

The image “Brumbi Wundschock” was taken in the late eighties originally to be part of a comic strip. We invented a story, took pictures accordingly and merged them with speech-bubbles and some of them passed off as single images like the one mentioned here. Andreas took the part of the wicked neighbor woman Brumbi Wundschock, so we dressed him up, the false titties were so big that we couldn’t close the zip in the back. We wanted that, it should all look trashy. The real mustache was important for some kind of ambiguity, the hair was carefully tuned up, he had to close his eyes so we could paint pupils on the eyelids to catch a spooky touch, the cigarette with the craning ash, everything was purposely staged but in a playful manner... most of all we had so much fun.

Art Out: Mark McKnight at Aperture Gallery

Art Out: Mark McKnight at Aperture Gallery

Art Out: Paris Photo–Aperture Foundation PhotoBook Awards Shortlist

Art Out: Paris Photo–Aperture Foundation PhotoBook Awards Shortlist