Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Triggered!: James Nares

Triggered!: James Nares

Street by James Nares

By James Nares

I wrote a proposal for my film STREET in 2009 after experimenting with a lo res high speed video camera shooting from my car but it wasn’t until 2011 that I was able to make the film. I was combining my interest in slow motion cinema with my love of the Actuality or Phantom films that were made in the early 20th century using a movie camera mounted on a street car. Using a Phantom Flex camera mounted inside a fast-moving vehicle I was able to capture moments of human interest that happened too quickly for the naked eye to see and extend them so that every nuance, every micro expression and gesture became visible. The film was shot over a period of 6 days during which I captured 16 hours of video and then edited down to one. I then asked Thurston Moore to compose a soundtrack

Art Out: Charles Johnstone's "34 Polaroids"

Art Out: Charles Johnstone's "34 Polaroids"

Photo Journal Monday: David Denil

Photo Journal Monday: David Denil