Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: Coaxed By The Devil

Flash Fiction: Coaxed By The Devil

© Leaf Lieber

Image by Leaf Lieber
Written by Emma Elizabeth Mathes
Photo Edited by Lucia Luzzani

Kate walked away, praying that rain could fall from the heavens to baptize her with acceptance. She had tried to step out of the closet, and was shamed back into it. She wouldn’t forget the look on her Christian mother’s face.

Maybe it was just a phase; maybe she was performing. But, she did not understand how things that felt so real could be fake.

Then, she saw her: a woman, asleep on the beach, with skin painted the color of Lucifer. Kate studied her, and suddenly felt nauseous. In that moment, she knew the truth; and it was terrifying.

To view more of Leaf Lieber’s work, visit his Instagram.

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

From Our Archives: Kevin Tachman: Felicitous Duplicity

From Our Archives: Kevin Tachman: Felicitous Duplicity