Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: After Lorenzo

Flash Fiction: After Lorenzo

© Francesco Pizzo

Image by Francesco Pizzo
Written by Emma Elizabeth Mathes
Photo Edited by Lucia Luzzani and Yanting Chen

When her husband died, certain things had to change. She started stretching daily, making sure to go on at least three walks a day. She kept herself as busy and as agile as an 80-year-old could be.

The most remarkable change was the firearm. Andrea had been a woman who enjoyed claiming the delicate side of femininity; she enjoyed dressing in fine fabrics, and applying perfume to her wrist, then behind her ears. Less than three months after Lorenzo’s death, and she had exchanged the lipsticks in her purse for a silver pistol. It was time that she protected herself.

Moment: Eduardo Teixeira De Sousa

Moment: Eduardo Teixeira De Sousa

Architecture: Shikkui Japanese Plaster

Architecture: Shikkui Japanese Plaster