Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Afternoon Sunlight

Afternoon Sunlight

      Cowboys and Dreamers, Tiffany Ray

Musée Magazine embraces the wonderful hope that every picture stimulates an interpretation. This column is our tip of the hat to that concept, with a fictionalized text we’ve written to accompany a selected photograph.

Written by Lauren Levesque

The warm sun inundates the plain room, its golden rays casting a shadow upon the slumbering figure. As they squint and open their eyes, their gaze is drawn to the sunlight's ethereal dance behind the unassuming, traditional painting. The interplay of light and shadow, the contrast between the room's simplicity and the painting's vibrant scene, stirs a sense of wonder. 

Stretching out and walking over to close inspection, the mountains and blue sky look ever so inviting, almost as if one wish could thrust you inside a premodern world. 

Obscura Gallery: Michael Berman

Obscura Gallery: Michael Berman

Selection from Photo London 2024

Selection from Photo London 2024