Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: Running Away

Flash Fiction: Running Away

© Juan Brenner

Written by Emma Elizabeth Mathes

Night rolled in on a thick cloud cover, dimming the horizon with frightening speed. I was suddenly suspicious of the dry weeds that scratched my calves, as if shadow could change nature, and reveal otherworldly, sinister intention.

Then, a sound. A horse's bray? Confused, I wandered forward, using the last of a fading twilight to scan my surroundings.

A mottled, dark mare strode into my line of vision. 

Where did you come from?

I noticed that his snout trailed a broken rope.

So, you, too, are an escape artist?

He looked at me as though he had been waiting. And somehow, I trusted that he would lead me home.

Photo Journal Monday: Mark Mahaney

Photo Journal Monday: Mark Mahaney

Art Out: Richard Mosse, Erwin Olaf, Sandi Haber Fifield

Art Out: Richard Mosse, Erwin Olaf, Sandi Haber Fifield