Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: Stooping

Flash Fiction: Stooping

© Takako Kido

Written by Emma Mathes

I had wandered every day for a week. I’d flown across the world, by myself, and didn’t want to do anything but walk just as much as I did in my home city.

What I found was that people left their trash treasures everywhere. I’d stumble upon a lamp stand, an old stand-alone mixer, or a tv. And in that way, this rural atmosphere was just the same as my city.

It was striking to see an electronic device amongst the gravel and weeds. And though I didn’t need any of them, I wanted all of them. The power of a good stoop.

Photo Journal Monday: Benjamin Soedira

Photo Journal Monday: Benjamin Soedira

Film Review: Four Quartets (2022) Dir. Sophie Fiennes

Film Review: Four Quartets (2022) Dir. Sophie Fiennes