Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: Since She Passed

Flash Fiction: Since She Passed

© B Jane Levine

Image by B Jane Levine
Written by Emma Elizabeth Mathes
Photo Edited by Lucia Luzzani

Every morning was the same. Ray woke up at 7AM, did his stretches, and started the coffee pot. He carefully pulled on a crisp white button down and fresh black slacks. He sat down for no longer than 35 minutes, sipping his coffee and slowly consuming two hard boiled eggs.

Ray then methodically tied his blue tie right before he decidedly threw on his trench coat and leather gloves. He never forgot to kiss her picture with his gloved hand on the way out the door.

Financially secure enough to afford an Uber to the office, Ray took a yellow cab every morning. The backseats reminded him of her, and that was how he wished to begin every day.

To view more of B Jane Levine’s work, visit her website.


Feature: Olivia Crowe Reavey

Feature: Olivia Crowe Reavey