Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Moment: Sarah Stacke

Moment: Sarah Stacke

© Sarah Stacke

Image and words by Sarah Stacke

"I can say, I'm going to buy milk, and then I can end up spending two hours in a conversation," says Debbie Lottering about the close-knit nature of her hometown, Manenberg, South Africa. I don't remember what the cash in Debbie's left hand was meant to buy that day or what she and Naznuna, her neighbor, talked about over the wall. I remember moving around, trying to position Naznuna in the crook of Debbie's arm and noting the way her brown sweatshirt shimmered in the sun. I remember this was one of many stops on the way to the tuck shop for whatever that cash was for.

Nearly a decade after this picture was made, it has found its way into the first pages of Love from Maneneberg, a book chronicling the experiences of Debbie and her children and other women in Manenberg. We chose it to open the book because it expresses storytelling and connection. "This is what happened to me today," Debbie could be saying to Naznuna. "Did you hear the news? Now tell me how your day has been."

To view more of Sarah's work and order Love from Manenberg visit her website here

Parallel Lines: Paris Photo, Act One

Parallel Lines: Paris Photo, Act One

Flash Fiction: In The Ocean

Flash Fiction: In The Ocean