Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Triggered: Yukari Chikura

Triggered: Yukari Chikura

Fluorite Fantasia (Looking for my Father…)

By Yukari Chikura

My father’s death was too sudden. Before we realized, the cancer attacked from all directions and took him. The time I spent with him had been too short. All I wanted was to sit down with him — talk about his experiences, ask him about his secrets, but before I could gather my will to do so, he was stricken mute, then disappeared into mystery. Why did I have to wait? Why did I not put all my effort into living this precious time with him?

After his death, I walked with tears behind my eyes and bitterness under my heart. One day, I found a beautiful fluorite among my father's belongings — a mineral that catches the light of our star and radiates it back in the darkness of night. In it, innumerable stars glittered and drifted. It was like a myriad of stars twinkling in an infinite universe. The stone brought me into a wonderworld. In that world, I wandered among the stars, searching. Though I am unsure as of why, I believed, deep inside myself, that I could meet father there. Day after day, wandering around in the mystical scenery, I looked for him.

To view more of Yukari Chikura’s works, visit her website and Instagram

Parallel Lines: W.M. Hunt

Parallel Lines: W.M. Hunt

Flash Fiction: Darryl Terrell

Flash Fiction: Darryl Terrell