Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: The Twins

Flash Fiction: The Twins

© Emily Allen

Image by Emily Allen

Written by Emma Elizabeth Mathes

Grandma is a twin. She was born in April 1938, two minutes after her sister. And all-throughout Grandma’s childhood, she and her twin dressed the same. Even at their eightieth birthday party, the two wore identical outfits. Our matriarchs value family, and sameness.

That’s why it’s hard being different around the twins—not because I believe they love me any less, but because I want to be what they value.

In our dining room, there is an ancient photo of the twins in a frame just as old. I sneak peaks at it often, and smile, though I know that the girls in that photo would not have dreamed of the kind of life I lead now.

To view more of Emily Allen’s work, visit her website.

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