Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Triggered: Eli Johnson

Triggered: Eli Johnson

© Eli Johnson

Image and text by Eli Johnson

When it comes to process™, I make a conscious effort not to have one. I just try to let myself be a kid with a camera. I try not to look for things when I'm out photographing but just kind of let the world unfold in front of me. It has always found new ways to impress me. All that said, I'm a sucker for isolated and suspended moments of softness.

I'd just gotten back to New York from out west — long story but I drove most of the way to New York from San Francisco a few months back — and this had been a trip to San Francisco that again reminded me of why I love that place so much: the relative stillness of things there, the way things move in the breeze or rock in the water. So my first day back shooting in New York and when I was a little bit mesmerized by this dress billowing in the frenzy of midtown and I made a photograph.

To view more by Eli, click here.

From Our Archives: Thomas Hirschhorn

From Our Archives: Thomas Hirschhorn

Parallel Lines: Barbara Silbe

Parallel Lines: Barbara Silbe