Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

 Flash Fiction: Denouement

Flash Fiction: Denouement

© Bel Lafer

© Bel Lafer

By Brent Leoni

I’m torn about August. I’m upset that school’s starting soon. I mean, this is the worst spot I could be in, looking behind the eight ball of nine months of indoctrination. It’s a spot my future self would pity. On the other hand, there’s that excitement of coming back. There’s the perennial belief that I’ll be a great student this time, not just a good student. My social circle will expand. I get new shoes and new binders.

I also like the idea that we can take a victory lap on the achievements we’ve made over the summer. It wasn’t everyday, just a few memorable nights and weekends, but those held up. We can be gluttonous on accomplishing what we set out to do, and our carefree attitude will carry us to at least the equinox. School will feel like merely a fraction of the day, as opposed to a mindset that consumes every waking weekday.

But I’m trying not to think about that. Ben invited me over to his pool. He and Sam were talking about The Kinks. I went in for a dive. I stayed under a little longer, trying to cherish the sensation of being surrounded by water. Submergence is not something to be taken for granted. 99% of the time, you’re surrounded by air. 

At the time, I thought I was weird. If I were in high school, I’d think I was depressed. Now, I’d take it as a needed moment of repose in light of a constant demand for social presence. It’s a moment of mindfulness, an opportunity to collect myself and take mental stock before emerging and rejoining my friends. 

To see more of Bel Lafer’s work press here.

This n' That: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

This n' That: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Finding Paradise in Photography

Finding Paradise in Photography