Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: Caught in Smoke

Flash Fiction: Caught in Smoke

© Caleb Stein - Image from Down by the Hudson

© Caleb Stein - Image from Down by the Hudson

By Daneal Rozman

It wasn’t until the smoke cleared and the water in his eyes had run from his face that he could see again.

His lungs had grown to welcome these foreign vapors, to see the air as, ‘pure’

only taking in the toxins, never releasing them.

His sweat ridden palms were covered in tar, stuck to the skin,

slowly growing mounds build on past versions of itself.

This was just work, this is just life.

A given aspect of the daily routine.

Passion takes the driver’s seat and never stops running,

perpetually moving faster than the passenger beside it.

You can view more of Caleb Stein’s work here.

This N That: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

This N That: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Yemen's Artistic Breath: Arsheef Gallery

Yemen's Artistic Breath: Arsheef Gallery