Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: Barbie

Flash Fiction: Barbie

©Max Mikulecky

©Max Mikulecky

By Isabella Kazanecki

We wake and reach out with our eyes closed, unexpecting the other to have remained. I’d rather feel you’ve gone than see it. I dreamt you left me as I enter this day wrapped in a thin glaze of perspiration, less sweet than what I’ll dip in coffee once I know you’re here. I dreamt you sank into a large deep lake, your plastic body deflating and crumpling. Your mouth open but no sound coming out. We wake to find each other with our breath held tight, like how I held you as I fell asleep. Never leave me, Barbie. I’ll never watch you walk away.

For more of Max’s work, click here.

In Memorium: John Baldessari

In Memorium: John Baldessari

Flash Fiction: The mist

Flash Fiction: The mist