Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

The Edge of the Abyss

The Edge of the Abyss

Untitled, Johanna Liljestrand Rönn

Written by Lauren Levesque

Musée Magazine embraces the beautiful hope that every picture stimulates an interpretation. This column is our tip of the hat to that concept, with a fictionalized text we’ve written to accompany a selected photograph.

It is as if any slight movement could catapult the body onto the cold, hardened concrete, where everything lives in the smokey and murky shades of the ever-changing grayscale—unlike the traditional black-and-white reality. Sitting on the ledge with both feet hanging, the thought of simply letting go and feeling the slight rush of air before the final collapse invades the mind.

Whenever I think about dangling even more limbs off the heavy bench and sinking into a bottomless abyss, the sunlight catches me and brings light into a saddened darkened room.

Lynda Benglis Knots & Videotapes 1972–1976

Lynda Benglis Knots & Videotapes 1972–1976

Jenny Holzer: Line Light | Guggenheim Museum

Jenny Holzer: Line Light | Guggenheim Museum