Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Amy Arbus: Beyond Reality | Schoolhouse Gallery

Amy Arbus: Beyond Reality | Schoolhouse Gallery

Arms Crossed, Amy Arbus, 2023, Black and White Photograph, Courtesy of Schoolhouse Gallery

Written by Aundréa Verdi

Photo Editor: Blake Sterling

June 14th - July 17th

Amy Arbus's upcoming exhibition at The Schoolhouse Gallery, "Beyond Reason," is a unique exploration into the enthralling and often mysterious realm of circus performers, acrobats, and dancers. Through her sixteen black and white photographs, Arbus has once again demonstrated her mastery of the medium, presenting us with images that are impeccably crafted and brimming with emotional and conceptual depth.

The genesis of "Beyond Reason", which opens June 14th, lies in an experience many might overlook: visiting a state fair circus. For Arbus, this encounter was transformative. It ignited a passion and a curiosity that motivated her to delve deeply into the performance of these artists. This project is not just a series of photographs; it is a study of a subculture that is as fascinating as it is enigmatic. The result is a collection that not only showcases her technical prowess but also brings to light the nearly forgotten communities of physical performers.

Strong, Amy Arbus, 2023, Black and White Photograph, Courtesy of Schoolhouse Gallery

The figures depicted in "Beyond Reason" are nothing short of mesmerizing. Arbus's keen eye for detail and ability to capture the perfect moment are evident in each photograph. The photographs highlight the muscularity and tension of the performers, embodying the essence of their physical feats with remarkable precision. Each image conveys a palpable sense of beauty and endurance, celebrating the extraordinary capabilities of the human body while also hinting at the rigorous discipline and sacrifice behind the performances. They are suspended, caught in moments of both grace and peril. This duality – the elegance and danger of their acts – underscores Arbus’s skill in conveying complex emotions and narratives through her lens. The interplay of light and shadow on her figure creates a captivating effect, drawing the viewer into the intense moment.

Butt, Amy Arbus, 2023, Black and White Photograph, Courtesy of Schoolhouse Gallery

The themes of human form and physical expression are central to this exhibition. Arbus explores how these performers use their bodies to reshape social boundaries, defying gravity and societal norms. In doing so, she illuminates the subversive potential of physical expression, showing how it can be a means of reclaiming agency and crafting new identities. These photographs are a reminder of the sheer wonder of the human body and its capacity for expression and creation. Arbus's work challenges us to look beyond the surface and appreciate the discipline, pain, and pride that underpin these performances.

The composition and framing of each photograph are meticulously crafted, revealing Arbus’s knack for storytelling. The choice of black and white enhances the timeless quality of the images, allowing the viewer to focus on the interaction of form, light, and emotion without the distraction of color. This choice also lends a sense of continuity and coherence to the exhibition, tying the individual pieces together into a unified narrative.

Head, Amy Arbus, 2023, Black and White Photograph, Courtesy of Schoolhouse Gallery

The exhibition's title, "Beyond Reason," is particularly apt. The feats performed by these artists often defy logic and push the boundaries of what the human body can achieve. Amy Arbus's photographs are an engaging and thought-provoking collection that serves as both a documentation and an homage to these unique subcultures. In capturing these images, she preserves these traditions and invites us to reconsider their value and relevance in today's culture. Amy Arbus's new exhibition is a tribute to the resilience and creativity of those who live and perform on the edges of society. Arbus has opened a door into a world that is at once familiar and fantastical, inviting us to see it anew with wonder and respect.

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