Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: She Came

Flash Fiction: She Came

© Sawani Chaudhary

Written by Emma Mathes

Photo by Sawani Chaudhary

The first time she came, Laura was overgrown. She had come years late; other girls had gotten it as early as 11. But at age 16, here Laura stood with blood in her crotch.

Ironically, or maybe not so much? — she wore red underwear. They did their part to mask the drips, but this new feeling was evident to Laura. A strange and painful gurgling in her lower abdomen, coupled with nausea.

When she first got home from school, she stood in the middle of her floor with her panties dropped all the way to the ground. She was a woman now, she supposed. But what did that mean?

Film Review: The Cow Who Sang A Song Into The Future | Dir. Francesca Alegria

Film Review: The Cow Who Sang A Song Into The Future | Dir. Francesca Alegria

Exhibition Review: Guy Bourdin | Storyteller

Exhibition Review: Guy Bourdin | Storyteller