Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: At the Edge of the Earth

Flash Fiction: At the Edge of the Earth

© Sawani Chaudhary

Written by Michael Galati, Edited by Emma Mathes

Photo by Sawani Chaudhary

When he was young, he went to the ocean to feel humidity on his chest, and smell the salt air as it curled his hair. He listened to the crashing of the waves as they met the earth, unending in their meditation and gazed toward the end, knowing that beyond the visible ocean was a larger infinity.

He looks back now as he sits at the beginning of the same sea and understands that he was searching for a life unexpected. A life where he could empty and fill, as unbounded as the sea, with air, to feel the expanse in his chest. The ocean has no expectation.

Return to Seoul | Davy Chou

Return to Seoul | Davy Chou

Ming Smith, JR and Antoni + Alison

Ming Smith, JR and Antoni + Alison