Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: A Saturday Afternoon

Flash Fiction: A Saturday Afternoon

© Alexandra Avlonitis

Written by Emma Mathes

You know how a good book can transport you? Well, that’s how Tom felt about National Geographic. Since youth, he’d been obsessed with the happenings of nature, watching ants carry off prizes from a picnic and staring up at birds until the sun nearly blinded his little eyes.

Now, as a full-fledged adult, he prized his NG subscription. Every week, he brought it to the sunny boardwalk and tanned while his imagination took him away. The music in his ears helped cancel out the real world for the sake of the animal world.

He would stay there for hours, until the last world was read and the last page was turned.

Exhibition Review: Women's Bodies as Battlefield

Exhibition Review: Women's Bodies as Battlefield

Film Review: Pilgrims (2023) Dir. Laurynas Bareiša

Film Review: Pilgrims (2023) Dir. Laurynas Bareiša