Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: Matcha

Flash Fiction: Matcha

© Najla Said

Written by Emma Mathes

Photo by Najla Said

Some mornings he woke up and didn’t know which hand was meant to be on which side of his body. The exhaustion crept in slowly, gaining ground upon all of his executive faculties until he reached days like this.

First, his limbs become less sure of themselves; this is felt at the end of the day in aching joints and tense muscles. Then, speech — he’d listen to himself, and be unsure of what he meant. And finally, the brain fog so thick it feels as though one is pushing against total opacity, the darkness of sleep.

The Work did this, but how could he ever stop? So, there was only one cure.

Film Review: The Melt Goes On Forever: The Art And Times of David Hammons (2022) Dirs. Harold Crooks And Judd Tully

Film Review: The Melt Goes On Forever: The Art And Times of David Hammons (2022) Dirs. Harold Crooks And Judd Tully

Art out: Elizabeth Sunflower, Daniel Gordon and Margeaux Walter

Art out: Elizabeth Sunflower, Daniel Gordon and Margeaux Walter