Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Woman Crush Wednesday: Anna Galluzzi

Woman Crush Wednesday: Anna Galluzzi

Old Flame, Mixed media photograph, 2019 © Anna Galluzzi

There is an emphasis on objects of the domestic sphere in this series (needlework, houseplants, pets, stuffed toys, etc.). Is this a reflection of the way you felt “trapped” in your relationship?

Although I felt "trapped" in the relationship, I think that the domestic aspects really stem from my attempt to find comfort in my everyday life that wasn't dependent on the relationship. Things like plants and my dogs bring me such joy and I think I just wanted to include some "good" in a situation that was so "bad." 

Other than The Yellow Wallpaper, how has literature influenced your work? You mention a book belonging to your ex in one of your images, as well.

Literature heavily influences my work, especially since my undergrad degree from the University of Texas in Dallas is in literary studies and I've always been an avid reader. I like to convey some sort of narrative within all my work and see each piece as having its own story. I always wanted to build different realities like some of my favorite writers, such as Ursula K. LeGuin and Octavia Butler. I enjoy having complete control over each piece's driving story. The book mentioned is the Necronomicon, which is a fictitious semi-religious text created by H.P Lovecraft — a horrible person but influential author — that is regularly referenced in his stories; and it happened to be one of the things my ex left behind. The book was ultimately just a way to incorporate my ex's presence into a series that was about him. 

Reading the Good Book (your book), mixed media photograph, 2019 © Anna Galluzzi

All I See is Red, Mixed media photograph, 2019 © Anna Galluzzi

This series feels very feminine, both in the stylistic sense and the literal sense. What did it mean to you to emphasize such a feminine style in these photographs?

I love floral patterned fabric and wanted to blur the boundary between traditional feminine craft and fine art. Additionally, I had been in the same relationship for 8 years, that started in my teens and ended in my early 20s, so I wanted to use the feminine style to address my process of beginning the relationship as a girl and ending it as a grown woman. Honestly, I just love pretty patterns and tend to be a very feminine person so it makes sense that it translates into my work. 

Describe your creative process in one word.


Tonks is Holding Us Together...For Now, Mixed media photograph, 2019 © Anna Galluzzi

Holding On By A Thread, mixed media photograph, 2019 © Anna Galluzzi

If you could teach a one-hour class on anything, what would it be? 

Basic embroidery stitches. I realize a lot of people don't have that experience at all and often feel lost when first approaching it. 

What was the last book you read or film you saw that inspired you? 

I'm currently reading "The Cosmic Puppets" by Philip K. Dick and it is inspiring in that it is the first book I've read for pleasure in a while and felt connected with. Overall, the visual descriptors in it are fantastic and I love how it transports me to somewhere else. 

Why Am I Still Bending Over Backward for You?!?, Mixed media photograph, 2019 © Anna Galluzzi

What is the most played song in your music library?

I honestly am not sure, but know that my current most listened to artist is Dorian Electra.

How do you take your coffee? 

Iced with oat milk and a little bit of sweetener.

To view more of Anna’s work, visit her website

Book Review: The Long Way Home of Ivan Putnik, Truck Driver

Book Review: The Long Way Home of Ivan Putnik, Truck Driver

Triggered: Allison Plass

Triggered: Allison Plass