Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Photo Journal Monday: Sahar Nicolette

Photo Journal Monday: Sahar Nicolette


Images and text by Sahar Nicolette.

Photographed entirely on 35mm film, 'Baby's Day Out' shot for Subvrt Magazine is a documentation of a lover's picnic with a dark twist. As the sun starts to set what was once a whimsical tea party turns into a celebration of witchy energy and queer spirituality. Indulging in gluttonous desires is celebrated under the soft moonlight as the spirit of past and present manifestations are evoked. Let go of your inhibitions and join us as we bathe in the beauty of the eclipse, integrating masculine and feminine energies into one cohesive mega spirit.

©Sahar Nicolette

©Sahar Nicolette

©Sahar Nicolette

©Sahar Nicolette

©Sahar Nicolette

©Sahar Nicolette

©Sahar Nicolette

©Sahar Nicolette

©Sahar Nicolette

©Sahar Nicolette

©Sahar Nicolette

©Sahar Nicolette

This n' That: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

This n' That: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Art In: Baxter Street, Antics, Meliksetian | Briggs

Art In: Baxter Street, Antics, Meliksetian | Briggs