Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Feature: United Hatzalah: Donate to Emergency Relief in Ukraine

Feature: United Hatzalah: Donate to Emergency Relief in Ukraine

Courtesy of United Hatzalah

United Hatzalah of Israel is the largest independent, non-profit, fully volunteer Emergency Medical Service organization that provides the fastest and free emergency medical first response throughout Israel. They currently have moved their services to help assist with the war crisis in Ukraine, following the invasion of the Russian Federation.

Donate here to United Hatzalah to help support their volunteers bringing emergency relief in Ukraine.

Mikhail and a United Hatzalah medic

Courtesy of United Hatzalah

To understand the overwhelming human magnitude of current events in Ukraine is to understand the story of this one person, Mikhail, a refugee and a holocaust survivor. United Hatzalah’s founder, Eli Beer, shares a story about a powerful story about a man from Ukraine named Mikhail:

Eli states: “In 1942, when he (Mikhail) was a little boy, his mother used to feed him and his siblings by dipping bread into milk when she couldn't feed them a proper meal during the war and siege. In 2022, when his hometown was once again under attack, he joined a group of his fellow countrymen and bore the fate to wander and want again. 

When I saw this elderly man, Mikhail, at one of the refugee centers United Hatzalah was servicing, he was crying while sitting in front of a plate of food. I approached him and asked what was wrong. Mikhail said that he was crying because he was once again being forced to eat food from a strange place while on the run from evil people, not knowing when he would feel safe again. Yesterday, he said Kaddish for his father and as often happens in the frigid lands of Eastern Europe, the horrors of the past merge with the dangers of the present and fears for the future. I assured him that now he was safe and that we would continue to take care of him. Ever suspicious of authorities Mikhail has no passport so an international effort was launched to solve his documentation requirements. Later in the day, while being assessed in our field hospital he slipped away and wandered off. United Hatzalah volunteers conducted a brief but frantic search of the vicinity and thankfully discovered the tough wizened man. One of our United Hatzalah volunteers who speaks Russian sat with him and continued to build a rapport and basis for trust. I took direct command of logistical and legal requirements to get him to Israel. He was the guest of honor on the United Hatzalah flight that I was on. A Sefer Torah that was also rescued from Ukraine was also on the flight. Mikhail was honored and comforted to hold the sacred scroll. The timeless treasure connected him to more pleasant and reassuring memories of his childhood. As we exited Ben Gurion Airport in Israel hundreds of young boys and girls greeted us exuberantly waving Israeli flags singing cheerful songs. Words truly fail to express the emotions that I felt, and I cannot fathom the depths of feeling that Mikhail felt to be safe and home at last."

The story does not end here. Eli and the United Hatzalah medics will continue to care for Mikhail and any other refugee who needs our help as part of our expanded Ten Kavod elderly assistance program. 

United Hatzalah’s service is available to all people regardless of race, religion, or national origin. Our mission is to arrive at the scene of medical emergencies as soon as possible and provide the patient with professional and appropriate medical aid until an ambulance arrives, resulting in many more lives saved.​

Donate here to United Hatzalah to help support their volunteers bringing emergency relief in Ukraine.

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