Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: Piece of the Road

Flash Fiction: Piece of the Road

© Jiahao Peng

Image by Jiahao Peng

Written by Emma Elizabeth Mathes

I just wanted to take something home with me, to remember the journey we took. There were other options, sure, like street signs and smaller rocks. But, we had kissed on that boulder and I knew it had to come with me.

Getting it in was easier than I thought. It came right out of the ground and almost felt hollow. As we shuffled to get it into the trunk, I remember thinking, “Wow, this might actually work.”

We ushered it in, and released it with a gentle drop. And for a few seconds, all seemed alright. But then came the consequences.

To view more of Jiahao Peng’s work, visit his website.

Interview with Howard Greenberg

Interview with Howard Greenberg

From Our Archives: Adam Magyar

From Our Archives: Adam Magyar