Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Standing in Solidarity with the Black Community

Standing in Solidarity with the Black Community


Dear Musée Community,

Musée magazine stands in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and with black communities around the world. We acknowledge that this is not an isolated incident and we grieve alongside the many families and communities impacted by violent murders of black people, both recent and long passed.

As a cultural publication, we are committed to examining the structural inequities within the art world and we continue to work towards more inclusive content that incorporates diverse voices.

To honor the lives lost and those currently fighting systemic racism and disempowerment of black people and communities of color, we will be highlighting black artists and features that investigate issues of racism, discrimination and inequality. We will also be celebrating the role of the black community in the gay rights movement as we curate content around Pride.

We acknowledge that this work is long overdue for many organizations and we are dedicated to making space for the voices of those affected by injustice and oppression.

In Solidarity,

Musée Team

Quarantine Chronicles: Virtual Burning Man?

Quarantine Chronicles: Virtual Burning Man?

From Our Archives: Ken Gonzales-Day

From Our Archives: Ken Gonzales-Day