Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Temporarily Censored Home - Interview with Guanyu Xu

Temporarily Censored Home - Interview with Guanyu Xu

Interviewed, Filmed and Edited by Yuhe Yao

Guanyu Xu

Guanyu Xu is an artist currently based in Chicago. He was the recipient of the Fred Endsley Memorial Fellowship and the James Weinstein Memorial Fellowship. He is the winner of the Lenscratch Student Prize, the Foam Talent, Lensculture Emerging Talent Award, Kodak Film Photo Award, and he is the Runner-up of the Aperture Foundation Portfolio Prize.

The Growth of Panoramas

The Growth of Panoramas

SVA Mentors Show

SVA Mentors Show