Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: Protectors of Faith

Flash Fiction: Protectors of Faith

Irrlicht ©Yana Wernicke

Irrlicht ©Yana Wernicke

By Claire Blaha

Bowed heads

Dots across a black board

Like a board game

They are all pieces

Pawns protecting

Forming a wall

Shoulder to shoulder

They stand for their faith

The future is before them

A challenge presented

They will practice

They will prepare

For what is unknown

But is inevitable

Heads bowed

There is a goal to be accomplished

To see the rest of Yana Wernicke’s “Irrlicht” series, visit her website.

This N That: Keep In the Know With Photography News

This N That: Keep In the Know With Photography News

How Vanity Saved Me

How Vanity Saved Me