Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

The Archives: Olivo Barbieri

The Archives: Olivo Barbieri

Olivo Barbieri

Andrea Blanch: The theme of our upcoming issue is Place. Can you talk about the role of place in your work?

Olivo Barbieri: I am interested in the genius loci, the sense of place. I try to learn in a way in which place can be apt to imagine or understand the future.

AB: What were the logistical and technical challenges you faced when creating your Alps, Geographies and People photographs? What equipment did you use?

OB: I used helicopters and an eighty megapixel camera. In order to get the permit to fly over the Alps, I had to use Alpine Rescue Team helicopters.

AB: Were there any surprises or unexpected circumstances that came up when working on this series?

OB: As usual, in the high mountains the weather was a challenge. It changed abruptly.

AB: In the intro to the Alps book you say that the proportions, the forms, and the positions of the people are all true. How do you reveal or explore truth in your work?

OB: I do not change the shape of what I represent. I only transform the colors. My work is not about truth, but about images. Before I take pictures, I try to see the images that exist—drawings, paintings, photographs, movies etc.


Read the full interview here!

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Current Feature: Marilyn Minter

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