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Collection De L'Art Brut Lausanne | PHOTOMACHINÉES

  • Collection De L'Art Brut Lausanne 11 Avenue Bergières Lausanne, VD, 1004 Switzerland (map)

The work of anonymous creators from all over the world, the 452 images making up the Photomachinées collection reflect a long and painstaking scouring of flea markets and junk shops by two passionate collectors.

Neither photographs nor art objects in the fullest sense, these images have all undergone a "machination" aimed at "diverting" the function of the originals. The motives and reasons underlying this process vary considerably in nature and intent and can be difficult to explain.

Having made their debut in the mid-19th century, these creations, like paper photography, disappeared with the advent of digital technology. They form a body of work ranging from simple cut-outs to more complex combinations of painting, drawing, embroidery, collage and other processes.

Accumulation of this kind of material reveals similarities which, regardless of their geographical origin and period of production, make it possible to form ensembles. The exhibition is thus divided into different categories that refer to themes and practices inherent in anonymous photography generally.