Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Multi Panels at Pace/ McGill Gallery

Pace/Macgill's Multi Panel exhibition provides a vast array of material from eighteen of the most influential photography artists of the 20th & 21st century. Ranging from photographer Emmet Gowin to performance artist Vito Acconci to sculptor and printmaker Kiki Smith; these photographs present different forms of storytelling from artists that encompass different forms and ways of viewing the world. They explore the divided segments of one scene; documenting the physical changes that happen to a location over time. Movement in portraiture is explored through demonstrating the selection process and sharing various methods of development. Whether the pieces are sequential, or capture the spontaneity of the conditions in the moment, they remind us that there are an unlimited amount of ways to look at something. We all have a point of view and a choice of ways to share that story.

Show runs through May 29.

Text by Amanda Everich.

Photos by Lena Vassiliou.

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Interview with Zackary Drucker and Rhys Ernst: six years

The AIPAD Photography Show 2014