Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Thomas Demand: The Stutter of History

Thomas Demand: The Stutter of History

Thomas Demand: The Stutter of History
The Museum of Fine Arts

June 30th- September 15th

Thomas Demand, Control Room, 2011

German artist Thomas Demand has spent three decades exploring the intersections of history, photography, and memory. His large-scale photographic works investigate the way images embed themselves in a society’s collective consciousness. Depicting places loaded with historical meaning–the abandoned control room of the Fukushima plant following the March 2011 nuclear disaster; the site of the Florida recount of the 2000 American presidential election; or Bill Gates’s dorm room at Harvard–Demand’s images appear at first to depict the real world. On close inspection they seem to be at once familiar and decidedly strange; they are in fact photographs of impermanent sculptural recreations. The MFAH is the only U.S. venue for this internationally touring retrospective of the artist’s work. The exhibition is on view June 30  through September 15, 2024.

more here: Museum of fine arts Houston

Kwame Acheampong

Kwame Acheampong

Le Baiser de Man Ray : Bruce Silverstein

Le Baiser de Man Ray : Bruce Silverstein