Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Nadav Kander: The Edge of Things | Portrait(s)

Nadav Kander: The Edge of Things | Portrait(s)

Main de Ronnie I, Londres, Angleterre, 2002

© Nadav Kander. Courtesy Flowers & Howard Greenberg Gallery

Written By: Lauren Levesque

The 12th edition of Portrait(s) will occur from 7th June to 29th September 2024. This year brings an even more special arena as Portrait(s) 2024 showing will be held at Vichy’s spectacular Grand Établissement Thermal. One of the most celebrated artists that will be in attendance is Nadav Kander. The photographs that Kander can highlight and capture drip with a tone of melancholy, stillness, and a perfected concentration. In a rare and exclusive opportunity, Kander will unveil one hundred of his most accredited pieces alongside a collection of unpublished photographs, adding a layer of anticipation and excitement to this year's exhibition. Kander’s exhibition will leave viewers transported to his reality, which grips the deepest and most reserved emotions.

‘Main de Ronnie I’ is a testament to Kander's artistry, which has the power to stir emotions. The monochromatic palette, with its muted tones, allows the figure's skin to radiate while every detail seems to shimmer. The freckles scattered across the hands and upper arms reveal a raw vulnerability, underscoring that perfection is an elusive ideal. This piece, with its ability to draw you in and leave a lasting impression, is a prime example of how Kander's work can resonate with viewers on a deep emotional level, making it a must-see at the exhibition.

Rosamund Pike II, Los Angeles, USA, 2014

© Nadav Kander. Courtesy Flowers & Howard Greenberg Gallery

‘Rosamund Pike II’ is a whimsical masterpiece that invites viewers into a fantastical realm. The tree-like shadow branches climb up her chest and face, and the vibrant colors transport you to a different world. The lighting and coloring add a hint of seriousness, while her piercing gaze seems to penetrate whatever it meets, leaving a lasting impression. This piece is a testament to Kander's ability to create a profound connection between the viewer and the subject, making you feel like a part of the scene.

Bécasse dans les mains de Nicole, Angleterre, 2024

© Nadav Kander. Courtesy Flowers & Howard Greenberg Gallery

‘Bécasse dans les mains de Nicole,’ at first glance, immerses the viewer in a haunting and trembling world, where the environmental damage is starkly contrasted against the dripping blackness of the photograph. This image, a testament to the darker side of Kander’s photography, evokes an eerie and saddening feeling. The blurred hands suggest a sense of urgency as if the individual's hands were trembling while trying to aid a bird in its time of need. With its dystopian energy, this photograph is a powerful reflection of our world, inviting viewers to step into Kander's vision and engage with the issues he presents.

Cillian Murphy II, Londres, Angleterre, 2016

© Nadav Kander. Courtesy Flowers & Howard Greenberg Gallery

Cillian Murphy II’ grips the viewer's attention right away. The grayness that seems to lurk behind the photograph creates a muted tone throughout. The piercing blue eyes that seem to glow hold the viewer in a place of permeance. Murphy can command the space in the image as every minor detail is exposed and left raw for the viewer to absorb. The image leaves an impression of seriousness and being lost behind one's eyes.

Civilization: The Way We Live Now | Jut Art Museum

Civilization: The Way We Live Now | Jut Art Museum

Photo Basel 2024 | A Retrospective on the Intersection of Art and Photography

Photo Basel 2024 | A Retrospective on the Intersection of Art and Photography