Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Nancy Hellebrand: EVERYBODYBEAUTIFUL | The Print Center

Nancy Hellebrand: EVERYBODYBEAUTIFUL | The Print Center

Nancy Hellebrand, Untitled KD 2691, 2024, photogravure on Gampi, variable edition of 5, 25” x 19”. Printed by Cindi Ettinger, C. R. Ettinger Studio.

Written by Lauren Levesque

The Print Center is excited to announce EVERYBODYBEAUTIFUL, a profoundly captivating show featuring the works of Nancy Hellebrand. The main message that Hellebrand aims to promote through her art is breaking down societal norms of women's bodies and how aging is one of the most natural parts of being alive. In addition, Hellebrand challenges the stereotypical definition of beauty and looks to cherish the female body in all forms: “My photography is my cry for peace and derives from my need to act from the respect we owe all beings and the planet we inhabit. We must honor each other in our Diversity and our Oneness. That is why I do this work” (Nancy Hellebrand). EVERYBODYBEAUTIFUL will be on view from 19th April till 20th July 2024.

In Untitled KD 2691, the viewer is invited to engage with the art on a deeper level. The figure presented is stripped of any identifying features, leaving only the body of the female individual. This intentional choice by Hellebrand encourages the viewer to reflect on what she wants to convey. The detailed print reveals every impression on the body, each wrinkle, the difference in muscle, and how age and time transform the body. The photograph becomes even more compelling upon closer reflection as the theme of time also looms, subtly reminding us of its constant presence. Your interpretation of this artwork is a valuable part of the exhibition experience.

Nancy Hellebrand, Untitled TH 7861, 2024, photogravure on plaster, unique, 4 1⁄2” x 2 1⁄2”. Printed by Cindi Ettinger, C. R. Ettinger Studio.

‘Untitled TH 7861’ can illuminate women's changing dispositions and how our bodies morph with age. The printing process of these photographs allows the viewer to observe the minuscule details that tell a story with each model. “Seeing the nudes small and so eloquent in print and plaster is a revelation. I am in awe of the beauty in each and every woman” (Nancy Hellebrand). Through her selection of individuals, she can tell their stories and highlight women who may be overlooked due to something as organic as age.

Installation view, Nancy Hellebrand: EVERYBODYBEAUTIFUL, 2024, The Print Center, Philadelphia. Photo: Jaime Alvarez.

The above images profoundly display Hellebrand's art. Each body is so completely different, and yet, on the inside, some similarities would be rooted at the core. Hellebrand can show how each body and individual has their own story, from how their skin falls, what bumps and divots may have become permanent companions with the body, and most importantly, how each woman has aged and matured from the over-sensualized allure of being young. Hellebrand can capture vulnerable intimacy as each body has unique stories and experiences.

Nancy Hellebrand, Untitled TL 267, 2024, photogravure on plaster, unique, 6 1⁄2” x 4”. Printed by Cindi Ettinger, C. R. Ettinger Studio.

In Untitled TL 267, Hellebrand can display such intimate pieces due to the photograph's small size. In addition, having the art as small as it permits viewers to observe very closely and silently applaud the confidence and courage of the photographed woman. It is evident through Hellebrand's work that she looks to confront and change the stereotypical image of older women's bodies, but instead show how the marks that our bodies earn, whether it be through age, child labor, or scars can be every bit as rich and beautiful as youthful counterparts. We invite you to visit the exhibition and experience the power of Hellebrand's art for yourself.

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