Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Ali Asfour

Ali Asfour

Images and Writing by Ali Asfour

About the Artist:

Ali Asfour is a Palestinian, Ramallah-based analog film photographer, DJ, and music selector who navigates the delicate balance between exposing the tragedy of Palestinian existence and safeguarding the beauty encapsulated in Palestinian roots, culture, and traditions. Ali’s work stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of a people determined to thrive despite the challenges imposed upon them. His art challenges us to dive into introspection, compelling us to reflect and take action in the pursuit of justice.

About the Project: Colours of Palestine

"Colours of Palestine" contrasts the prevailing political narratives with the raw, unfiltered stories of its people. This dichotomy is echoed through Asfour's use of black and white imagery, which delves into the complex, sombre layers of his subjects' lives. However, Asfour's creative vision doesn't end with his choice of palette. He embraces photography as a means to resurrect the hushed narratives that constitute the Palestinian experience. With an innate understanding of his homeland and finger on its pulse, Asfour captures shared memories that stir the heart's reflection. This process of self-discovery becomes intertwined with the collective heritage, history, and the shared journey of his compatriots. 

The intentional absence of colour in "Colours of Palestine" , transcends the bounds of literal representation and invites  viewers into a realm of raw emotions and akin to a metaphorical diagnosis of Achromatopsia, underscores Asfour's dedication to capturing the grit, resilience, and complexities that define Palestinian existence.

Pride and Protest: Photographs by Fred W. McDarrah | Center for Photography at Woodstock

Pride and Protest: Photographs by Fred W. McDarrah | Center for Photography at Woodstock

Kidnapped: The Abduction of Edgardo Mortara (2023) | Dir. Marco Belluchio

Kidnapped: The Abduction of Edgardo Mortara (2023) | Dir. Marco Belluchio