Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.



untitled, from Slow City | Roger Bucher

Written by: Emma Mathes

What was her deal? Her inner monologue yelled at her, reminiscent of her mother’s tone. Three decades of life and still, she couldn’t figure out how to leave the house on time.

She was running from the subway in booties and bare legs and while doing so she thanked a higher power that the sidewalk was empty. The sight of strangers watching her run in a dress and boots was not her favorite.

Mid-stride she drew up her wrist to her eyeline. She’d make it by the time the curtain rose but not by the time on her ticket. She shook her head and kept pace.

Shulamit Bialy

Claude Cahun: Photofile

Claude Cahun: Photofile