Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Echoes of Memory: Justus de Rode's Photographic Dialogue Amidst Alzheimer's

Echoes of Memory: Justus de Rode's Photographic Dialogue Amidst Alzheimer's

Text by Oman Morí (@omanmori)

Dutch photographer, Justus de Rode, delves into a profound exploration of the human condition through his work that intertwines the natural world, the complexities of the mind, and the intimate bond with his father, who grapples with Alzheimer's disease.

He draws a parallel between the intricate mycelium network in forests and the human brain's neural connections. This comparison serves as a metaphor for the organic communication between trees and plants, mirroring the formation of ideas within the human mind. The mycelium, a sprawling and boundless entity, echoes the vastness of the human consciousness.

Faced with the effects of Alzheimer's on his father's cognition, de Rode utilizes his camera not just as a tool for visual expression but as a means to establish a connection and communication with him. Together, amidst natural landscapes, they engage in a dialogue that transcends verbal language. Through collaborative interventions, where his father paints over selected photographs, a new language emerges—a visual dialogue that discover a unique perspective from within his father's mind.

De Rode articulates this process, sharing, “During joint forest walks, I try to bridge the increasing distance from my father through photography. In addition to an attempt to bridge to his world by taking on his gaze, I ask my father to paint over several photographs. It opens the door to his mind, where existing forms take on a different meaning and colors come to life” Over a span of two years, this interaction evolves into a profound connection—a lifeline amidst the shadows of Alzheimer's. The forest, once a backdrop, transforms into a realm of connection and understanding, surpassing the limitations of conventional speech and rationality. De Rode encapsulates this shift, stating, “The forest becomes a conduit—a universe where visual language and emotional resonance transcend spoken words, allowing me to bridge the growing chasm between my father and me.”

The resulting images encapsulate not only the deterioration of the human brain but also serve as visual metaphors for the intricate connections within nature. De Rode uses abstract imagery and paint to navigate a nostalgic path that harmonizes with his desire to connect with his father.

His work invites viewers to contemplate our interconnectedness with the natural world and each other, reminding us of the fragility of the human condition. For more information about Justus de Rode's work you can visit his social media or website.

Framing Moments: Photography from the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts

Framing Moments: Photography from the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts

Reagan Agyei Mensah

Reagan Agyei Mensah