Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: Remembering

Flash Fiction: Remembering

Kitchen Window, 2022 © Lamar Kendrick-Dial @lamarkendrickdial

Written by Emma Elizabeth Mathes

The pleasure of standing over a kitchen counter chopping herbs and vegetables as the sun falls below the horizon is sweet. The warm light of my kitchen bathes me as I stare out at the cool darkness, and I feel my purpose in this life blossom.

To wake up with the sun, travel miles on a train, sit and stare at a screen, then travel miles on a train again is a routine many follow. It becomes monotonous, and memories of singular days bleed into each other.

But this time spent meditating on smells, textures and tastes cuts through the drudgery and makes sense of it all.

Darrel Ellis | Regeneration

Darrel Ellis | Regeneration

Sandy Skoglund, McNair Evans and Modern Women/Modern Vision (Group show)

Sandy Skoglund, McNair Evans and Modern Women/Modern Vision (Group show)