Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Woman Crush Wednesday: Stephanie Morales

Woman Crush Wednesday: Stephanie Morales

© Stephanie Morales

Words & Images by Stephanie Morales

Interview by Athena Abdien

What inspires you as a portrait and fashion photographer?

As a portrait and fashion photographer who grew up in NYC, I draw inspiration from the vibrant energy and diversity of the City. My daily surroundings provide endless opportunities for me to capture the unique beauty of individuals and express their individuality through fashion and style.

© Stephanie Morales

How did the process of creating your series of portraits come to be?

The process of creating my series of portraits was a journey of experimentation and collaboration. In search of new and innovative ways to push the boundaries of my photography, I began painting canvas backdrops to add to my personal style. Through collaboration with friends, makeup artists, and stylists, I was able to bring my signature style to life and create a series of portraits that reflect my creativity.

© Stephanie Morales

Why did you pursue image-making?

Image-making has always been a natural form of expression for me. Since I first picked up a camera in the 8th grade, I’ve been drawn to telling stories through color and connecting with people. Losing the job I had (that was unrelated to visual arts) at the beginning of the pandemic, provided me an opportunity for me to pursue full-time freelancing, allowing me to take my passion to the next level.

© Stephanie Morales

If you could teach a one-hour class on anything, what would it be?

If I were to teach a one-hour class, I would share my advice on adding visual interest to your images through simple set design ideas. As a photographer, I’ve learned that the right set design can elevate an image and make it stand out from the rest.

© Stephanie Morales

What was the last book you read that resonated with you?

Currently, I’m reading Annie Leibovitz’ book, At Work. Her journey to becoming a legendary female photographer is a reminder that we all have humble beginnings and that perseverance can lead to great success.

© Stephanie Morales

Describe your creative process in one word.

My creative process can be described as: “intuitive.” I often rely on my instincts to guide my photography, allowing me to explore different ideas and concepts in a spontaneous and free-flowing way. I keep my shoots loose and flexible, so I can be open to whatever unfolds in the moment.

What is your favorite podcast to listen to?

I’m a big fan of “The Business of Hype” by Jeff Staple. Often times, we see the end result of success — but through his interviews with different creatives, he puts into perspective the amount of years of hard work and hustle it took to get to those achievements.

© Stephanie Morales

How do you take your coffee?

I like my coffee strong, with a splash of oat milk and brown sugar.

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Exhibition Review: Kehinde Wiley | Havana

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